Windows operating system including Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP allows multiple user accounts to be created on the computer, be ...

Windows operating system including Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP allows multiple user accounts to be created on the computer, be ...
It’s a sinking feeling because there’re so many confidential documents on the computer and since most of your trusted colleagues have also...
Things that you require is: 1.SERVER SETUP We’ll use XAMPP to set up the server. Believe me it is too easy. Download the available pack...
Having read the title of this post you may be wondering if it’s really possible. Yeah! It is possible. As the word suggests, it’s a calculat...
TURN ON UR PC IN JUST 10 SECONDS---For Advanced Users Only so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds (may vary)Aight heres what u ...
1. How to remove recycle bin from your desktop Tip: Open Regedit by going to START - RUN and type Regedit and hit enter. Then you should nav...
Block Websties Without Software Block Websties Without Software Steps: 1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc 2] Find the file named ...
Lock your folder with password without software Folder Lock without any S/W Open Notepad and copy the below code and save as locker.bat. At ...
Here's a DOS trick for Windows 9x, that will reset (delete) your motherboard's BIOS password (aka CMOS password) without any need to...
How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders Removing Items A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the ...
BSR Screen Recorder captures video, sound and movies of no matter which you see on your screen and records to AVI (Standard Video Forma...
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 12.0.1 build 5842 Multilanguage English, Russian, French, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Turkish Dreamweaver is the...
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